There is a lot of happenings in our household, we are hoping that this blog will be a way to keep everyone informed (for those that want to know:)of our changes. We are lucky to have family and friends near and far, hopefully this will make us feel a bit closer to those faraway!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
My 1st Dr's appointment
Well I am now 12 weeks along so had my first OB appointment on Friday, and the Dr said I was measuring somewhat small (which was surprising to hear since it seems like I already have a baby bump) but the heartbeat sounded good. She did go ahead and order a sonogram though to determine the due date since I have no idea because I have not had a period since before we got pregnant with Aiden (nearly 2 years!!!). Not that I'm complaining. Anyways, I was thankful that she ordered a sonogram because like I mentioned before this pregnancy has been much more difficult than Aiden's, and seeing a picture of the little guy or gal will be very reassuring. Speaking of guy or gal, the Dr said that if I was carrying another boy we may be able to tell by the sonogram next Thursday!!! But it will be very early so all the little boy parts may not yet be developed so if they are not present that doesn't mean we'll have a girl either. Regardless we'll have another one done at 20 weeks. I'm very excited about the sonogram, unfortunately Nathen has to work, but Aiden and Nana will be there with me. I'm excited to see how Aiden will react when he sees the little guy or girl on the screen. We'll post pictures next week of the sonogram.
We hope you all are having a nice weekend.
Aiden is growing up...
In the last few weeks it seems that Aiden has really matured and grown up in respects to his play, language and sleep. He is able to play more independently for longer periods, Wednesday I was able to dust the living room while he played, something I usually cant do when he's awake. His language has seemed to really take off as well, he's not talking in complete sentences yet(nor should he:) but his receptive language (what he understands) is amazing. For example, last week we were at the park and he was watching the leaving blowing at the park, and I asked him "if he was watching the leaves dancing", he then started dancing!!! He loves music and dances everytime he hears it, and now he dances when he hears just the word dance. Other words he understands is outside (he'll point to the door when anyone mentions outside), and of course no, and amazingly he usually listens when he tell him no. He is also down to one nap a day, just as I thought I had the 2 nap schedule down, but now he'll sleep for longer periods during the day. I thought he'd be taking 2 naps for at least another 3-6 months, but he started taking only 1 about 2 weeks ago. Like I said he'll sleep longer (usually between 1.5-2.5 hours), he's also started sleeping better at night. We always start him in his crib, he usually ends up in our bed a few hours he lays down, and will sleep through the night. So..the last few nights I've gotten a full 8 hours of sleep, something I have not had for about a year.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Aiden's measurements and.....
Well Aiden did not do a lot of growing this past month, he is still about 24lbs and 30 inches long. But we do have some pretty big news to report. Aiden is going to be a big brother!!!! Yep thats right we are expecting again. I am 11 weeks along, and we heard little peanut's heart beat this morning, so that was pretty cool to share the moment with Aiden. This pregnancy has been much different than Aiden, so I wanted to hear the heart beat before I made the announcment. I've known since Feb. 13th when I had a positive home pregnancy test. Its been a long 11 weeks with constant nausea, fatigue, and just not feeling 100% but in the last few weeks I've started feeling much better. This one was a total surprise but we are still really excited, I'm still trying to get my head around having 2 under the age of 2. But I'm sure my little sis (whose girls are 15 months apart) will be a great support on tricks of the trade of raising 2 so close together.
Well here are a few pics from the last few weeks.

Aiden loves helping with dishes, he hands me all the silverware (of course I make sure there are no shart knifes) to put away. HE also likes to shut all the cabinet doors once I'm all done. He truely is a great little helper.
HEre he's found a couple of bagels, apparently they make pretty good teething rings!!:)
Aiden still enjoys daddy reading to him; I think he was telling me how much fun he was having.
Aiden loves pushing his Lion around. He almost runs through the house with it. I'm sure soon he'll be walking without support.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Aiden is 11 months!!
I know I know I've not posted for a month now. We've been extremely busy the past month, looking back I think we spent most of it at the Dr's office. Aiden had an extremely bad diaper rash (that spread over his whole body)so bad that his Dr could not figure out how to treat it, so we were referred to a dermatologist, and they were able to quickly make appropriate diagnosis, and treatment recommendations and now he is back to his normal self. One of the recommendations was to put up all of our calming lotions, baby bath, and shampoos that have all the pretty smells, and dyes and switch to non fragrant non bubbly stuff--amazingly though Aiden seems to enjoy his bathtime just the same without the bubbles or the pretty lavender smell. Nathen was happy to see all of it put away, he feared the lavender scent may threatened Aiden's masculinity:) Anyways, around the same time Aiden had the diaper rash he got a the stomach flu that his Dr. said WASN'T contagious....well we love Aiden's Dr but he was wrong on that as both Nathen and I got it, and it was not fun!!! Thank goodness for family though, my sister and mom really helped out with Aiden while I was sick, and being the well adjusted little guy he is he really enjoyed hanging out with his Nana and Aunt Sheldi(I think he knew mommy wasnt too much fun to be with having no energy).
Today Aiden is 11 months old and its hard to believe that in 1 short month he'll be 1 year!!! I'm not sure where the time had gone, but it sure has been fun. I'm not sure of Aiden's measurements his appointment is next week, but I do think he's gotten taller, he know bumps his head when he's cruising under the dinner table. He has took his first steps this weekend walking between me and Nathen, but we think he's still trying to perfect his walking and when he does we are afraid he'll be running, since that seems to be what happened with the crawling thing.
Stay tuned for next week's post for Aiden's measurements, and more!
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