Sunday, March 30, 2008

Aiden is growing up...

In the last few weeks it seems that Aiden has really matured and grown up in respects to his play, language and sleep. He is able to play more independently for longer periods, Wednesday I was able to dust the living room while he played, something I usually cant do when he's awake. His language has seemed to really take off as well, he's not talking in complete sentences yet(nor should he:) but his receptive language (what he understands) is amazing. For example, last week we were at the park and he was watching the leaving blowing at the park, and I asked him "if he was watching the leaves dancing", he then started dancing!!! He loves music and dances everytime he hears it, and now he dances when he hears just the word dance. Other words he understands is outside (he'll point to the door when anyone mentions outside), and of course no, and amazingly he usually listens when he tell him no. He is also down to one nap a day, just as I thought I had the 2 nap schedule down, but now he'll sleep for longer periods during the day. I thought he'd be taking 2 naps for at least another 3-6 months, but he started taking only 1 about 2 weeks ago. Like I said he'll sleep longer (usually between 1.5-2.5 hours), he's also started sleeping better at night. We always start him in his crib, he usually ends up in our bed a few hours he lays down, and will sleep through the night. So..the last few nights I've gotten a full 8 hours of sleep, something I have not had for about a year.

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