Monday, December 6, 2010

Today's Devotion

We ARE Sheep!!!

Jesus said,] "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me - just as the Father knows me and I know the Father -and I lay down my life for the sheep."-- John 10:14-15

Yesterday during our pastor's sermon something really spoke to me, we all just like sheep often "eating our way lost". The pastor explained that sheep get lost by focusing on just whats in front of them(green grass) and before they know it they are lost. My thought that we are just like sheep was validated just now when I googled "how sheep get lost" as I was trying verify what my pastor said. I figured my search would take me to articles from animal experts, a rancher, but nope all of the links I saw were scriptured based linking us as followers of Christ like sheep. So yes I think we are like Sheep, so does Google:)

Don't we often find ourselves lost spiritually. I don't think we intentionally go astray from our walk with God but somehow what we focus on becomes more important and we do become lost. This has happened to me at times through my life; I wont make it a priority to read my Bible, or go to church, or fellowship with other believers and before I know it I feel lost, there is a void. Fortunately I have been able to recognize this I think from God speaking to me through HIS Holy Spirit and can get back on track. But many people start out with such a drive to serve God and as they live their lives they become farther and farther away just as a sheep eats his way lost we fill our "appetite" with other things whether it be relationships, drugs, alcohol, profession, school, whatever it is we become just a like a lost sheep who can't find our way back and sometimes we may not even want to find our way back. That is so sad for me to think of loosing that relationship with God. But no matter how lost we become our shepherd, God, never gives up for us. He constantly uses HIS Holy Spirit to bring things in our lives that will help us lost sheep find our way back to HIM. So if you are feeling a bit like a lost sheep spiritually don't feel guilty, or ashamed but rather feel loved and know your Shepherd God is just waiting to lead you again.

In God's Love,


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