Thursday, November 4, 2010

Today's Devotion

The fight that really matters!!!

Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses.~ 1 Timothy 6:12, NLT

As human beings I think naturally we want to win an argument, be right, and be respected. Well right now I'm feeling a bit defeated and disrespected, nothing major just a conversation that was had between me and a coworker of mine. As I was beginning to wallow, feel insecure, and throw myself a pity party I remembered this verse. "Fight the good fight for the true faith", was the conversation that was so upsetting to me surrounding my faith? NO it was surrounding around my work with a family. Yes it is important as humans to feel respected by our coworker but is it the most important thing in our life, definately not. Whats most important to me is that people see me and respect me for my faithful walk with my Heavenly Father. If this coworker began to question my faith, or insult my beliefs well then I would hope I would have stood up to her. And honestly I did say, "I'm feeling attacked" we've worked together for 4.5 years so felt comfortable being honest with her. But that is not really the point the point is the fight to make people around us respect our work doesn't really matter in the Big Picture of life. The fights in life that surround my children, husband, and faith are what are most important. The fight to challenge my emotions when I'm frustrated and continue to show the same love God has shown me when people upset me, raise my children to love God, connect spiritually with Nathen, those are fights worth fighting....winning an argument/discussion with a coworker not so important!!!

The second part of the verse "hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you" yes this life and the coworkers that come with it is temporary but what I have with God that is forever, and its comforting to know that today!

In God's Love,


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