Monday, October 4, 2010

Today's Devotion

Bearer of Burdens!

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens~Psalm 68:19

What a wonderful verse for a Monday, don't you think?:) I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. Mine was pretty busy and although enjoyable not really that relaxing, making this morning full of burdens for me. Just feeling way behind and the week is only beginning. Fortunately I have a flexible schedule and decided to take advantage of that and take the morning off so I could somewhat get caught up. Feeling a little frustrated that my morning was almost gone and I hadn't accomplished everything I wanted to I decided to read my Bible. It never ceases to amaze how just the perfect scripture arrives at just the perfect time. My burdens this morning are not enough time, too much dust in my house, and no furniture polish. But I'm turning all that over this morning to God, I know he has probably bigger burdens to bear this morning than mine, but you know what he cares about my the littlest things too. Instead of being frustrated like I was a mere half hour ago I'm facing my day with praise and a thankful attitude that God can handle any burden I have even if its just a dusty house, and thanking him that this is my major burden today.

Whatever you are facing on this Monday be it a dirty house, never ending to do list at work, relationship problems, financial problems, or whatever know that no burden is too big or small for our God, he is our Bearer of Burdens.

In God's Love,


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