Imitate as Children
Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.~ Ephesians 5:1, NLT
All those parents out there know exactly what I mean when I say children imitate us...they do what we say, and do even if its not the our finest moments. As I've reflected on this verse through the day I think what we are to do as Christians is be as children and imitate HIM in everything we do. I know this sounds like an impossible challenge, so thought we would start with the basics of how to do this. Lets look at the 10 Commandments (I'm using the boys' childrens bible as sadly I don't know where they are located in my Bible...I imagine Exodus since God gave them to Moses, but being it almost 10 PM thought I'd just use theirs since I can locate them quickly:) Anyways, the 10 Commandments:
1. God is the Only True God-okay that one is pretty easy, I believe and think I do a pretty good job imitating this truth to my children. Example being Aiden has started saying "Mom, why don't we talk to God about that" granted its usually his way of trying to get out of some disciplinary measure but still he knows there is only one God.
2. Never make idols-again pretty easy for the most part,although I am guilty of putting some activities, such as running, work, relationships above God. I don't worship these things but unfortunately God isn't always first on my prioritiy in point its 10 and I'm just now doing this devotion.
3. Never misuse the Lords name-Ummm sadly this one I need lots of work on and unfortunately have heard my 3 year old imitate me when I have misused the Lords name
4. Rest on the Sabbath day, keep it holy--Ummm yea Sundays are holy but not really restful in our house. So another one I can work on.
5. Honor your father and your mother-think I do a pretty good job on this one, but I guess Mom could verify that one. I heard recently on KLOVE that how we treat our parents have a direct correlation on how our children treat us. Makes sense to me, and even more reason to show them love, respect and to honor them just as Jesus loved and honored his earthly parents as well as his Heavenly Father.
6. Do not murder--okay thats an easy one for me to imitate and follow
7. Husbands and wives must not commit adultery--another easy one
8. Do not steal--another easy one to follow
9. Do not tell lies---well relatively easy unless the truth will hurt someones feelings
10. Never want what belongs to others---I think this is a difficult one for all of us.
Okay so I think those lay the foundation of how we can imitate God. Some of them are pretty easy for most Christians to follow some are more challenging, and I think its those that we just prayfully attempt and eventually we'll follow them as naturally as we do the "easy ones". I want to be the kind of Christian and person that I want my children to become, I want them to imitate my qualities not my sins. I think having children makes us more aware of our weaknesses and mistakes because they imitate them, and thats okay as long as we learn from those mistakes. So today I'm challenged to imitate God so my children will imitate my godly acts, and words and not my sinful ones.
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