Thursday, September 16, 2010

Today's Devotion

Work in progress

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.~ Philippians 2:13

I had a hard time deciding or rather hearing what God wanted me to write about today so am using the scripture my mom used yesterday in her devotion but feel I'm going a different way with it focusing on the first part of the verse.

Notice it says God IS WORKING in you not God has worked in you. We are all a work in progress regarding our walk with God and the work he has laid out for us. No matter our age we could be in 100s and God continues to work in us, just look at Abraham for example. God told him he would have many children at didn't have his first child until after he turned 100!!! And I'm sure we all remember the "Father Abraham" song which sang about all his "many sons":)

The other day I was feeling pretty good about myself, thinking yea I do a lot for others, i'm letting God's light shine through me, donating time, money to worthy causes, attending church, raising children, ect. But then as this thought cross my mind another reflection entered my heart--I should never think I'm doing "enough" because I don't know what God has laid out for me. I know it was the Holy Spirit stopping me in my self-righteous tracks, and I'm glad HE did. We can always do more, be more available, be more receptive, more open, more spiritual, the list is endless. So although I do think I am living my life the way God wants me to live I'm not just going to be satisfied with that and stop short of whatever he has for my future. As I'm writing this I can't help but think of Brandon Heath's Song Wait and See (He's Not Finished With Me Yet!). God is always working in us, so no matter what you are doing or where you are at spiritually know that he is not finished or given up on you!

“Wait and See (He’s Not Finished With Me Yet!)” – Brandon Heath

I was born in Tennessee

Late July humidity

Doctor said I was lucky to be alive

I’ve been trouble since the day that I got here

Trouble till the day that I disappear

That’ll be the day that I finally get it right


There is hope for me yet

Because God won’t forget

All the plans he’s made for me

I have to wait and see

He’s not finished with me yet

I never really was that good in school

I talked too much, broke the rules

Teacher thought I was hopeless fool alright

I don’t know how but I made it through

It’s one of those things that you’ve gotta do

But I always had a knack for telling the truth


Still wondering why I’m here

Still wrestling with my fear

But oh, He’s up to something

And the farther on I go

I’ve seen enough to know

That I’m, not here for nothing

He’s up to something

So now’s my time to be a man

Follow my heart as far as I can

No telling where I’m ending up tonight

I never slow down or so it seems

But singing my heart it’s one of my dreams

All I gotta do is hold on tight


In God's Love,


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