Monday, August 16, 2010

Today's Devotion

Its All good!

All things work together for the good for those who love God~Romans 8:28

I apologize for the delay in getting this out today, I had a training for work from 8-4 and was planning on waking up early to do this, but you know how that works out on a Monday morning:) Anyways, it was probably a good thing because my mom included this verse in her devotion and I could not think of something better to write about on a Monday to correlate with what I wanted to express to you today.

I was thinking yesterday that regardless of what my week had been like I felt peace and love from God. We've all heard the phrase "its all good". But with God it really is all good. We may not understand it at the time we are experiencing something painful whether its a low score on a test, a conflict with a loved one, a quarrel with a spouce, or frustration from a child. But if we center our lives around God he will guide us through these trials and in the end it will all be good.

In God's love,


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