Monday, July 14, 2008

Aiden is 15 months!!

Aiden is 15 months (and 3 days to be exact!). He had his 15 month appointment this morning and was a real trooper with the two shots he had to get. He cried for a few seconds and then was fine and we went to play group where had a blast. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Aiden is good on shots until Kindergarten so no more for 4 years!!!! Aiden has grown 2 inches in the last 3 months putting him at the 75th percentile (32 inches) and his weight is 24lbs 3oz which is 42nd percentile, as always his little head is at the 25th percentile. Overall his growth seems to have slowed some since this is the first time he's not in the 80-90th percentile for both height and weight. He is a healthy little guy though, he loves lettuce--the other night we went to McDonalds and he preferred the lettuce from my sandwich to the french fries!!! We've been enjoying the mild July weather. We went to the park twice yesterday, and unfortunately forgot the camera both times. But let me tell you Aiden loves the park especially when Daddy goes with us. Daddy can take him on big slides, and help him climb walls--something I dont feel comfortable doing.

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