Hello all in my last post I mentioned that our nanny, Nichole would be starting, and she's watched Aiden for about 3 weeks now. After clearning up a few things (he only needs 1 nap not 2 for 4-5 hours!!) she is doing very well with Aiden and he seems to really enjoy his time with her. Fortunately she listened to my concern about how much he was sleeping and followed my instructions of keeping him up until after lunch. The first few days she watched him he took a morning and afternoon nap for about 2 hours each so he was up close to midnight those nights...but like I said that is no longer an issue. Aiden is also now running everywhere and becoming much more independent in his play especially outside, he loves exploring our backyard and picking up sticks, leaves, whatever he can get his hands on...Nathen and I have thought about getting him more play equipment but wonder if he'll use it since he seems to have more fun exploring nature. This past weekend we spent some time at Nana and Granddad's and visited with Uncle Bill, Aunt Cammie, Uncle John, and Aunt Sheldi. Aiden had a lot of fun playing with all of his cousins, Hannah, Susanna, and Elizabeth. Check out the pictures below.
I had a Dr's appointment last week and everything went well. Although I'm becoming quite nervous of how big this little boy is going to be as I gained another 10 lbs in the last 2 months, putting my total weight gain at 19 lbs!!! With Aiden I gained 30, and I have about 11 weeks to go so I'm hopeful I'll keep my weight gain within the recommended amount of 30-35 lbs. Yes that is correct I'm in my last trimester, just as I got my energy back from being sick, I felt awesome for about 2-3 weeks and now I'm tired again entering my last trimester....oh well its all worth it in the end.

"Okay take the picture!!" I thought this was a pretty cute grumpy pic of Aiden we don't have too many of those:)
Here's a picture of my sisters and their children. It was quite a challenge to get 3 toddlers, and an infant to look at the camera, but my brother in law John did a great job capturing each moment.

I think Aiden was trying to tell Daddy something pretty funny or something...:)

Nana and Granddad loving their grandbabies. Aiden tried corn on the cob for the first time and loved it so much did not want to part without it for the pciture..:)
We all enjoy some good home cookin..compliments of my mom and dad.

One proud Daddy..I just love watching Nathen with Aiden, he is such a good father, and is so proud of his little boy.
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