I know its only been a few weeks since my last post but a lot has happened in the Eckstein household. Hopefully this will all make sense as I'm still not feeling 100%--flu bug or pregnancy stuff who knows I'll get to that in a bit. Anyways, this week was quite a tough one for us. First I had to take Aiden to daycare, and he did really well when I left, hugged me and waved bye bye--but by 1:00 he had enough, and wanted mommy. The daycare provider is really awesome and tried everything she could think of to calm him and the other two kiddos (siblings age 20 months and 2.5 years)in her care that day tried as well, she said that the 2.5 year old kept trying to offer Aiden his pacifier--how sweet. Needless to say my work day was shortened so I could pick him up. Fortunately the daycare provider is very open and flexible and wants the best for Aiden just as I do, so we've worked it out that he'll go half days on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then Grandma will pick him up, and Nana will watch him Fridays for a month or so. So hopefully he'll transition well. He really seemed to enjoy the children and provider when we went last week for a few hours, and on Monday for a few hours. I think he'll do fine, it will just take a bit longer than I had originally planned. Why daycare you may be thinking...well a couple of reasons 1)we wanted Aiden to be exposed to other children on a regular basis to learn how to share, interact, ect--he really enjoys play groups that meet once a week 2) Grandma still works full time (3rd shift), and although she's amazing and can go on little sleep..I worried about her caring for Aiden all day and then going to work 3rd shift with about a 30 minute commute to work. And my mom has to drive over an hour and with gas prices it didnt seem fair to have her continue to make multiple trips every week--even though time with their grandson is priceless. Anyways, the daycare provider, Wendi, will never have more than 5 children in her care and they are all under 3. When I've visited all of the children were very well behaved and Wendi is very caring, and nurturing so I know he'll be in good hands. Okay so that was Tuesday of this week, let me back track a bit to Monday when I had my 4 month OB appointment, it went well and I was able to schedule a sonogram for May 28th but I gained 7 lbs in ONE MONTH!!! My Dr wasn't too concerned about it and said it would even out if I get some walking in daily, so I've tried to do that...but then I got sick!!! Which brings me to Wednesday of this week. I wasn't feeling very well, but thought I could manage my planned presentation for a class at K-State, which I did and it went very well, the students asked great questions and I filled the hour as I was suppose to, but as I got into my car I felt very nautious and just wanted to take a nap--which I should had done then, but instead thought I could make it home to get some zzzs. Well on my way home on Hiway 24 I began to feel light headed thought I may pass out (which I have a history of doing but never while driving or sitting). I was trying to pull over to the shoulder of the highway while a big yellow semi truck was honking his horn the next thing I know I'm on the other side of the road in the median with the truck driver knocking on my window asking if I'm okay. I remember the first thing out of mouth..."I'm 4 months pregnant", I was really scared as I had thrown up while I was passed out (something else that had never happened), not to mention the truck could have hit me and who knows what could have happened. Thanks to my guardian angel and my mom's daily prayers to keep her children safe, I came away from the incident with only throw up on my shirt, and a bit shaken emotionally. The EMT guys got to the scene very quickly and checked my vitals everything was okay but as a precautionary measure they took me to the ER in the ambulance...a bit embarrasing, but I survived. While in the ER they checked the baby's heart beat and it was good and strong--what a relief, there was no trauma or anything but I still worried that maybe the stress of the incident impacted the baby. The Dr. recommended rest for the next few days and contributed the incident to the flu. So I've been taking it easy today and yesterday, thanks to my mom and mother in law. My mom stayed with us Wednesday evening and cared for Aiden yesterday and today my mother in law is watching him. I feel bad for Aiden because he is so sensitive and knows something isn't right, usually I'm playing with him all day when I'm home, but this flu thing really has taken my energy. He's lucky to have such great grandparents that he enjoys being with. Well I'm going to try to eat a little something and take a nap. I hope you all have had a better week than we have!
Take care.