There is a lot of happenings in our household, we are hoping that this blog will be a way to keep everyone informed (for those that want to know:)of our changes. We are lucky to have family and friends near and far, hopefully this will make us feel a bit closer to those faraway!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
So much to be Thankful for....
Monday, November 12, 2007
More "Firsts" For Aiden
Aiden stretches for his beach ball at swim lessons. The teacher said that given his young age that he would probably just splash and not be able to reach too much let alone kick his legs--well like I said he's a fish and he was moving his legs and arms. He even tried to copy me blowing bubbles, but swallowed the water instead:( fortunately this did not scare him at all.
Aiden wishes Nicky a "Happy Birthday" while they touch each other's faces.
Friday, November 2, 2007
It's been awhile....
Aiden enjoys eating, and he's pretty talented using a spoon--he does get some food in his mouth:) We introduced veggies a few weeks ago and fruits last week. So far he seems to be a pretty good eater, trying sweet potatoes, green beans, and bananas. Although he still prefers mommy's milk to anything else.
Aiden soaks up some Daddy time the day after we returned from our trip, he really missed Daddy and Daddy missed us quite a bit as well. Arn't they cute in their yellow and navy shirts?:)
Okay I think that brings everyone up to speed on the last few weeks. I'll try to post more often so the next one wont be so lengthy.