Hello, sorry I have not posted for awhile, we've been pretty busy at the Eckstein household! Aiden is now 4 months old (actually 4 months and 4 days!). He had his 4 month appointment today, and weighs 15 lbs 1 oz (50th percentile), 26 inches long (80th percentile), and head circumference is 41 cm (20th percentile). So our little guy has really grown a lot length wise last month he was only in the 50th percentile for length and now he's grown 2 inches in 2 months, I thought he was getting longer--he doesnt look tiny his crib anymore! The Dr commented on how strong Aiden was when he pulled his arms to have him in a sitting position and Aiden pulled himself up to a standing position--he does this all the time in one fluid motion now. Aiden was a real trooper getting his shots today, he cried as anyone would after getting poked 4 times, but he seemed to be more easily soothed and calmed down faster today than he did 2 months ago. Below are a few pictures from the last 2 weeks.
Nathen and I cleaned the basement a bit--we still have boxes that we have not unpacked the last year and a half--anyways, while we were cleaning and unpacking a few boxes he found Green Eggs and Ham which I got for him for Christmas the first year we were married. Aiden seemed to enjoy Green Eggs and Ham as much as we did as children.
"What Mom!!???Cant you see I'm playing!!!" Aiden enjoyed playing in excersaucer that Nana brought for him from her church. He's hanging out in just his diaper, something that he usually doesnt do--I love putting him in cute clothes. But given the 100 degree heat, and the constant slobbering, and spit up I gave in and let him hang out in only his diaper for a few hours this weekend.

"Humm how am I going to tackle this...daddy's fingers and hand is much bigger than mine??" Aiden still loves his hands, and now has really taken a liking to Nathen and my hands as well.
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