Aiden has experienced a few more firsts in the past few weeks. A few weeks ago he rolled over from his tummy to his back (he rolled from his back to tummy the first time when he was 8 days old). He was soo cute, we were doing tummy time, something that he is a bit of a fair weather fan of, and he figured out how to end tummy time on his own by flipping over, I then flipped him back over (after of course praising my little guy's new accomplishment) and he then did it again, it was a fun little game we played for a few minutes.
Aiden is continuing to enjoy time in front of the mirror, when I'm getting ready in the morning, he is quite content laying in our bedroom in front of our large closet mirrors. He is also talking A LOT---so much so that it is affecting his eating a bit. Yesterday when I got home from work and was feeding him, he would take a little bit then stop and talk (okay more of a babble but still really cute), it seemed as if he wanted to tell me about his day. Feeding him took longer than normal but it was worth it to hear about his day:)
Aiden had his first experience at a play group Monday and it went very well. The Parents as Teachers play group was larger than I had expected, and worried that Aiden may become a bit overly stimulated, but he didn't he enjoyed playing with new toys and watching the toddlers wobble about. He was the youngest one there, so he attracted a lot of attention. Monday was a beautiful day, below 80 degrees in July, so we decided to walk to the park in the afternoon and try out the swings for the first time. Aiden loved it--he was laughing and smiling the entire time. We also met another mother who had 2 little girls ages 2.5 and 9 months who recently moved here from NC where they were 2 hours from the mountains and 2 hours from the ocean now they live in Wamego! Aiden had fun watching the 2 girls play and I realized how big my little guy is, he didn't seem much smaller than the 9 month old girl!
Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks. Also keep an eye out for a July photo album hitting your email in the next week or so:) Its hard to believe July is almost over, this summer has flown by.