Nathen has been working long hours in Emporia so has had to stay down there the last few weeks coming home on only the weekends. Aiden and I were missing him, and Nathen was missing us tremendously. So the last 2 weeks we've gone down and stayed with him. I know at this stage of Aiden's life its important to be consistent and have a set routine but I thought its more important to see his daddy. However, we've basically kept the same routine just in a different setting, and as a result Aiden has really done well adjusting to the new environment on the days we are in Emporia. We are going to try to continue to stay one night a week with Nathen even after I go back to work (which is on Monday). Okay sorry, back to Aiden visiting daddy at work.... We visited Nathen Thursday after most everyone left (I guess there are several contractors on the site, and Nathen's crew is always the last to leave). Nathen is such a caring, loving daddy that he didnt want Aiden too close to the equipment, but in a few years I'm sure they will both enjoy pictures on the big machinery.
Aiden has learned a new trick since my last post, he can make spit bubbles!!!! Both Nathen and I are certain he is teething, he's been drooling, feeling his gums, and a bit fussy. The Dr said that it was unlikely that he'd be teething already stating that most babies start getting teeth between 6-8 months. But Nathen's mom said that he got teeth at 3 months, and my niece had her first tooth at 2.5 months. So needless to say I purchased some teething rings, and baby oral gel (but on the package says its for children 4 months and older, so I'll be calling the Dr's office Monday to see if I need to wait 5 weeks to give it to him, or if we can use it now).
Eventhough Aiden is in pain from teething, he is still pretty darn happy. I was just reading in my book this week how babies around 11 weeks can be swayed out of a bad mood, and sure enough its true, just this evening, he was beginning to fuss, and Nathen began acting very goofy and had Aiden laughing and all smiles within seconds (I'm not exchagerating!!)--not to mention that I was laughing as well!
Well as I mentioned earlier I return to work on Monday. I'm ready and now that Aiden will be in good hands with my mom and Nathen's mom. I'm so fortunate to not have to return full time, I'll be working 3 days a week for 20 hours through July then 30 hours. Although I'm excited about returning, it will be very difficult to be away from Aiden 8-9 hours.
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