Aiden is 2 months and 1 week old today (I know I'm a week late, but didnt want to make a post until after his Dr's appt. today:). Those with children know that at 2 months is when they begin to get their immunization shots, so this trip to the Dr's office was a bit more anxiety provoking for me, as I worried how Aiden (okay and me) would handle the shots. I did surprisingly well, I was prepared to shed some tears when my buddle of joy screamed from the prics of the needle, but I stayed strong and comforted my little guy. He did really well, of course he cried and was somewhat fussy today from the soreness of the shots and being tired, but he wasnt near as fussy as what I had anticipated him to be after getting 4 shots in his little leg. He just needed more snuggle time with mommy which of course I didn't mind giving him at all. Before the nurse gave him the shots he gave her a big smile, which was just adorable, but I don't think he's too fond of her now:) He wieghs 12 lbs 2 oz, and is 23.5 inches long and is in the 50th percentile for both height and weight. I've read that babies are suppose to double their birth weight by 6 months, Aiden has almost done that in 2, he is a really good eater just like his mommy and daddy:)
Saturday, we had our first family pictures taken, and Aiden was pretty onery. He was smiling and laughing in the car on the way to Sears, and then refused to smile for the photographer, but of course he was still adorable for the pictures ( check them out at this link: ) . We are planning to get his pictures taken again at 6 months when he'll be a bit older and able to smile on cue. Yesterday, Nathen enjoyed his first Fathers Day, and we celebrated by taking a stroller ride to Nathen's folks for lunch. Unfortunately, I neglected to take a picture but have included a couple of shots of some of the events in the last month. We hope you enjoy them.
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