Yesterday was quite an anxiety provoking and exciting day (so prepare yourself for a longer than normal blog entry:) First at 8:30 AM, I had my appointment with the Family Connections nurse. Family Connections is a program located in my building that provides a variety of services, I'm utilizing the free prenatal services which includes monthly visits (30min-1 hr) with a nurse. This provides me additional information that I may not get in my 5 minute Dr. appts. Anyways, yesterday morning I heard the baby's heart beat which was good and strong (160 beats per min.), got weighed (no specifics on this, but my gain is in normal range:), had blood pressure taken, and received some reading information on breastfeeding, eating healthy, excersise and on labor/delivery classes. We are thinking of taking the classes with our friends Meltem and Travis who are expecting their first on April 5th. Then, we had to wait until 3:30, well actually 3:50 (Dr's appts seem to never be on time) to have our sonogram done. However, it was definately worth the wait, the sonographer took about 20 minutes with us, taking probably 30 poses of our little Aiden Samuel. We included the top few here in the blog. Also during the sono it was shared that Aiden weighs 13 oz, and has 10 finger, 10 toes, and everything is developing as it should. Nathen and I both think he smiled for us in one of the pictures, eventhough I know it's probably not possible, but Nathen is sure of it. We were also informed that our due date has changed to April 17th instead of April 18th. We hope you enjoy the pictures.
IT's A BOY!!! Aiden's first embarrasing pic

Doesn't it look like Aiden is smiling at us?:)
Aiden appears to be giving us his first High 5!