Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Today's Devotion

Get Revived!

"Then we will not turn away from you revive us, and we will call on your name. Restore us, O LORD God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved~Psalm 80:19"

We've explored the armour that God provides us the last few days through my and mom's devotions.Yesterday I touched on when we FEEL our armour is failing us, and today wouldn't you know this verse was part of my daily bible reading. I've often heard Christian authors refer to feelings as often going against God's will because feelings are ours not HIS, and I would have to agree. When I'm acting on merely my feelings or emotions generally they do not line up with what God would have me do. So what is a human to do? We have feelings we can't just delete them out of our system we are human not a robot. Well we TRUST in God and pray to him to guide us so our feelings and emotions are open to HIS words, commands, and then act according to HIS plans. If we call out to him he will restore and revive us.

I love that word Revive, how often as Christians do we feel we need a little CPR to get our Christian life back into an active state. I think many of us, me included walk through life almost as a flatlined Christian and just go through the motions. I'm guilty of this, yes I go to church, listen to my KLOVE, read my Bible, but as for really praying and connecting to God well sometimes that takes a back seat to everything else. And sometimes yes we all need a little restoration to feel revive and alive again in the LORD. We serve a loving, and merciful God that is always there so go ahead and connect with HIM and get revived, restored, and ready to live out your Christian Life.

In God's Love,


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