Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today's Devotion

Hiding the Truth?

"We will not hide them from their children; we will
tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the
wonders he has done~Psalm 78:3,4"

As I've reflected on this verse
throughout the day it kind of hit me that I do not demonstrate and share the
Good News in every aspect of my life. Many people may not even know that I'm a
Christian, that saddens me, I try to make an effort to treat others well, speak
kindly, and use the word blessed instead of luck...but as far as really talking
about the Bible, Jesus or praying in public not so much. Last week while the
boys and I were at the park, there was a family enjoying a picnic lunch but
before they did they said a prayer to bless their food. It was obvious to their
children as well as other families at the park that praising and giving God
thanks was a priority. I so wanted to go up to this family and commend them for
walking their faith so boldly...but again I didnt, why did I want to hide
eventhough obviously this family would not reject me? I have no idea, but I do
not want to hide the wonderful news of Gods love or what he's done for us from
my children. One thing I worry about when my children get to public school (if
we decide to go that route) is that they will feel strong enough in their
beliefs and faith to be a light for Jesus. I think I need to start setting a
better example of how do this. The first thing that comes to mind is praying
more frequently whether at home, park, or McDonalds. I'm making myself
accountable so if you see me sitting down to a meal go ahead remind me of this.
I'd love to hear other's thoughts on why we hide the truth, or am I alone on
this, and how can we let Jesus' light shine more brightly through us.

God's love,

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