Evan enjoying the swing at the park
Aiden "helping" daddy with the basement. Evan and I went to a Relay for Life meeting Wednesday evening and when we got back Aiden was covered w/ drywall compound. Who knew what the 2 could get into in an hour!
There is a lot of happenings in our household, we are hoping that this blog will be a way to keep everyone informed (for those that want to know:)of our changes. We are lucky to have family and friends near and far, hopefully this will make us feel a bit closer to those faraway!
Evan enjoying the swing at the park
Aiden "helping" daddy with the basement. Evan and I went to a Relay for Life meeting Wednesday evening and when we got back Aiden was covered w/ drywall compound. Who knew what the 2 could get into in an hour!
3 Mommies, 3 infants, and 3 toddlers after fun at the park and lunch at the Friendship House. Amazingly lunch out with such a group was a success (nothing broken, and no toddler break downs:) It was such a fun day. I feel so blessed to have met so many great mommy friends.
Aiden giving his best buddy, James a big hug while playing at the park.
Aiden pushing Evan in the swings...what a good big brother
All of my boys
"What are you looking at?" Uncle Bill will get this:) Doesn't he look like he will be an absent minded professor in 20-30 years?:)
"Mom, why must you take pics of my at bathtime???!!" I have never met a baby with so many facial experssions--he's definately my son
Aiden and daddy having fun with paint...Nathen couldn't resist putting some paint on his cheeks and saying "okay go make some tackles"