Aiden has gone through quite a few changes as well. He continues to be quite interested in potty training and has gone potty on his potty chair a couple of times this week. He has also become quite onery, testing the limits--I'm telling myself he's becoming more confident which is great developemental milestone, although the testing of a toddler can become quite frustrating for mommy and daddy!!! Aiden's language is really coming along and it seems he has a new word every day. His favorite today is Banana. He is also very interested in his alphabet, he knows 16 of the 26 letters so far.
As for Nathen and I not a whole lot to report... Nathen is busily working on finishing the basement so we'll have a nice play room for the boys (not to mention a nice living room for ourselves--its become the boys' play room:). He continues to work in Leavenworth Cty building a bridge, and enjoys the high pay scale and 40 hour work week. Its nice to have him home everynight by 6 instead of 7 or 8. As for me, I've been approached to do some private contracting for behavioral health consultation services. Its pretty exciting as well as scary to think about practicing independently but I'm trusting that the Lord would not have had this opportunity presented to me unless it was meant to me. As some of you know the last few months at my current job has been pretty stressful, I wont go into detail but basically its been evident that I'm not appreciated and have been asked to do things that go against what I'm suppose to do as written in the grant that I'm funded through.
Here are a few pics of the boys over the last few weeks
I can't remember what was so funny!
Evan enjoying the swing at the park
Aiden "helping" daddy with the basement. Evan and I went to a Relay for Life meeting Wednesday evening and when we got back Aiden was covered w/ drywall compound. Who knew what the 2 could get into in an hour!
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