Wow its been over a month since my last post. We've had two Holidays (Halloween, and Thanksgiving) and are gearing up for Christmas. I'll try not to make this too long and bring you up to speed on Evan and Aiden. First, Evan had his 2 month appt a few weeks ago and he is gaining and growing well. He weighs 12 lbs 3 oz and is 23 inches long--the nurse didn't give the percentile---i think it was something to do w/ being a 3:30 appt on the WEds before Thanksgiving!!! He did gain 3 lbs in 1 month and grew 2 inches in length in 2 months. Anyways, he is right on track developmentally. And recently he's started sleeping through the night, sleeping 6-7 hours at a time, which to me is through the night; of course I am thankful and appreciative for. It's helped that we have a cosleeper right up to our bed so when he does wake I don't even have to get up out of bed to feed him. His personality really blossomed over Thanksgiving weekend, he started smiling a lot more, cooing, gooing, and yesterday he even made a spit bubble. His fussiness has also seemed to gone down quite a bit--its nice to hear him make other noises besides crying!!
Aiden is almost 20 months old now!!! It kind of makes me sad that he will be 2 in just 4 short months. The time has gone by so fast, and I know it will just continue so we are appreciative of every moment. He's talking and using his signs a lot, and has really adjusted well to Evan. He's a huge helper, often helping without being asked--he always seems to get me the burp rag for Evan before I even realize I need it. He's also started to notify us when he's poopy by saying "stinky" and loves to flush the toliet. I've read that these are signs that he may be ready for potty training, so Nathen and I are preparing for that!! Several months ago we found a church that we all enjoy, and yesterday Aiden went to the nursery without crying, usually he'll cry for a few minutes when we leave, but yesterday he just waved bye bye making it much easier to enjoy the service.
Here are some pics from the last few months. We hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving and if I dont make a post in the next few weeks we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.
Evan with Great Grandma when he was a few weeks old (I just realized we had pics on our camera last week)
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