Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Aiden is 20 months

Aiden is 20 months as of the 11th. He has become much more independent which has its benifits and downfalls. Yesterday he really wanted express his independence while at the coffee shop screaming when I would not let him climb into the window with the Christmas Tree. I was a bit (okay a lot) embarrased by the scene my little usually easy going guy was making; but reflecting back on it he was just trying to gain a little independence--at least thats what I'm telling myself--it sounds much better than saying he was being defiant!!! A more positive story about his independence is that he'll play very well by himself while I'm nursing Evan. And this morning when he woke up he got out of bed by himself and attempted to open the door before I even knew he was awake. He continues to be a great big brother, and 99% of the time a very happy, well behaved little guy, the 1% of the time reminds us that he's a normal toddler who has tantrums, screams, ect.

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