This month (well I guess last month now) has been so busy that I've neglected to post very many pictures of Aiden so thought I'd do that now. Aiden's interest seem to have really changed in the last few weeks. He loves taking me on walks...I'm not kidding he practically pulls me along the sidewalk with him. Yesterday evening we ended up at Grandma and Grandpa Ecksteins'. We started out just going around the block, but he wanted to walk down Main street and smell all the flowers. Eventhough I was pretty worn out it was a great time for him, and me as well---I'm so thankful that Nathen's parents live in town because it would have been a long walk home (by that time Aiden was tired and wanted to be carried). Anyways, if we are not outside walking the streets of Wamego Aiden has developed quite the puzzle putting together skill in the last few days, and continues to love being read to.
As for pregnancy updates nothing really to update I'm still dilated to 2 cm and 50% effaced, and still trying to be taking it easy. I went to the Dr again this past Friday because of some lower back pain and mild contractions, and was agained informed that my uterus was "irritable" and the baby was healthy and happy! I wanted to tell the Dr each time that my uterus was not the only thing irritable...this is has been a much more uncomfortable pregnancy than Aiden's was, but I know its all worth it. I continue to be a bit nervous about how big this baby will be since I've already gained 30 lbs, and we can see such distinct movements. But Nathen thinks he'll be less than 7 lbs, he told me last night that I still look so small---what a wonderful husband! I'm going to try to remember that conversation in these last weeks as I feel like a blimp.
Well that is all for now here are a few pictures from last month.
Aiden got to meet his Aunt Sara (Nathen's sister) and Uncle Chad who live in Virginia the first weekend of August. 
Aiden contemplates kicking the soccer ball. He's still perfecting this skill, he can do it but has not shown anyone else besides me and Daddy. I really think he's a perfectionist, he seems to not want to display his talents until he feels they are perfect and he's very confident with it. I guess there are worse traits that a toddler could have.
We take a break from soccer. Aiden climbs into our lawn chairs and seems to think he's just a little adult:)

Aiden has just started in the last few weeks or so doing this half crawl walking thing (one leg he'll walk w/ the other he'll crawl w/)when he plays with toys. Here it looks like he's telling someone why he's doing it.
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