Sunday, August 24, 2008

34 weeks along and some updates

We are now 34 weeks along in our pregnancy and I'm looking forward to my weekly visits with the OB starting next week. I was actually at the Dr's office twice this week, once for my normal check up and once for some lab work on Friday. On Thursday night I was having a lot of pain in my lower abdomen, not contractions or cramps just constant pain that kept me up most of the night. So Friday I thought I better go in and make sure everything was okay with our little guy as I had not felt him move as much as normal (usually he's doing gymnastics in my belly). Well the lab tests showed that I had a "raging bladder infection" that was the nurse's diagnosis. They hooked me up to the fetal monitor and she said the baby was happy but my uterus was "irritable"---I was thankful that our little man was okay and somewhat relieved that there was actually something going on with my body and I wasn't just being a baby about normal pregnancy pains! My Doctor was available and went ahead and checked my uterus as the infection had caused me to contract quite a bit, and I'm dilated to 2 cm and 50% effaced. I'm excited that this pregnancy is nearing the end, but would like to make it another couple of weeks to ensure he's fully developed, and healthy. Not to mention we still need to make a few preparations for his arrival. As for non pregnancy related news. Aiden continues to be very active, and saying more words. He's become quite onery at naptime and bedtime--its usually a wrestling match to get him to lay still, but most of the time once he's asleep he'll sleep for 8-10 hours. Nathen got a new work truck and a 7.5% increase in pay in the last few weeks. We were plesantly surprised with the increase, and it comes at a perfect time as we prepare for another little guy. Until next time, take care!

1 comment:

Rob, Trish, Olivia, Evan, & Thunder said...

Wow - 34 weeks already - I can't believe it! I've been so darn busy lately I hadn't realized how much time had passed as I've been climbing out of all my to-do lists, email inboxes, and toddler moments! I am so glad all is going well for you and can't wait for his big arrival!!! How fun! :) Miss you! :)