Monday, June 2, 2008

It's a boy!!!!

We had a sonogram done on Thursday and we are having another boy!!! Our boys do not seem to be very modest while in the womb, I saw it was a boy before the sono tech did, and Nathen saw it with Aiden before the sono tech it's a good thing we wanted to know the gender before they were born:) We are very excited, and are trying to prepare Aiden, as much as you can for a 13.5 month old. He has really started being very gentle with his stuffed animals in the last 2 months, giving them hugs, and handing them to us to give hugs to, so we are hopeful he'll be gentle to the new little man. Unfortunately our scanner is not working so I'm unable to scan a picture of the sonogram, I'll do so once it starts working again. This little boy seems to be a bit more active in the womb than Aiden was. We can already see him move across my tummy...something Little Aiden never did. I'm thinking this little guy will weigh more than 6 lbs 5 oz he's already 15 oz!!! Aiden was 11 oz at the time of the sonogram. Well Aiden has been very patient with me while posting this and is ready for mommy to play with him so gotta go.

1 comment:

Rob, Trish, Olivia, Evan, & Thunder said...

Congrats, congrats! Like I said before, you really have a winning situation...two boys to play together - how fun!!!! :)