Eventhough my last post was about a week ago there has been a lot happening in the Eckstein household that I wanted to share. First, I had a sonogram on Thursday and I am 14 weeks along. Which kind of confused me since my Dr said I was measuring small, but when the sono tech checked my records she had recorded that I was measuring big...my Dr's appt was late Friday afternoon the previous week so figured she made a mistake when she told me but it was written down right--she's human just like all of us. Anyways, the little guy or gal was not cooperating very well (legs were crossed) so the sono tech could not make a determination of the gender, so we'll have to wait about 6 more weeks to find out for sure what we are having. It was still very cool to see the heart beat, all the arms, legs, and belly. I was amazed of how big the baby was the picture did not appear any smaller than when we had Aiden's at 20 weeks. The little guy or gal had the hic ups during the sonogram so that was kind of fun to watch too. I would love to post a picture of the sono but I cannot figure out how to scan it to our computer, so I'll have to wait until Nathen gets home--but I'll post a picture of it the next post..I promise.
Friday Aiden and I traveled out to Nana and Granddad's to see all of his cousins on my side, my sister and neice were in Kansas from San Fransisco. It was so much fun to see them all play together. Aiden and Elizabeth are less than 6 months apart so they seemed to entertain each other well, and of course Aiden would try to keep up with his older cousins Hannah (3) and Susanna (2 in May). Below are some pictures

Here Aiden tries to give Elizabeth some pointers on eating solids..Elizabeth started eating cereal about a week ago.
Aiden enjoys some fresh air with Nana.

Okay so I tried to get a picture of all 3 of them together but I'm too slow or they are too quick to capture it. Either way they all had fun playing in granddad's boat (dont worry it wasnt on the water:)while Elizabeth was napping.
Aiden enjoys his lunch and conversations with Granddad.
Aiden enjoys a piggy back ride from Aunt Sheldi.

Aiden plays with what he thinks is the best toy ever..an empty water jug that Grandad got for him to distract Aiden from taking everything out of their cabinets--it worked very well, I think I'll have to try it:) He also gazes at Granddad adn Elizabeth while they play together.
Finally, Saturday we went to one of our friend's daughter's 1st birthday party. Aiden had a lot of fun wathcing everyone, playing, eating, and hugging anyone and everyone. He uusually only reaches out to hug females but Saturday he found another daddy other than his own that he felt safe and secure enough to hug. Ironically he was Aiden's Uncle John's brother--I wonder if he saw some resemblance or something..Anyways, here are a few pictures from the party.
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