I think Aiden is going through a growth spurt, he's not sleeping as well as he was. Tuesday night he was up every 30 minutes to hour and ate each time. Fortunately, I'm lucky enough to have family close by and called my mom Wednesday morning to see if she could come up and help with Aiden so I could get some rest. Of course she jumped at the job, she loves being a mommy and a nana. I wonder how people do it who do not have the family support we have. Hopefully we will settle into a routine, and grandparents can just visit and not have to pick up caretaking duties like my mom did Tuesday. But man, it was nice to get a 3 hour block of sleep in while she was here. Aiden did better sleeping last night but is still not back where he was a few weeks ago (sleeping 3-4 hours), he's waking every 2 hours or so. My goal is to have him sleeping at least 4 hours at a time at night before I go back to work. But he will really be in charge of any routine we have:)
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