Hello All, In case you have not heard, Baby Aiden was born Wednesday April 11th @ 2:10 am weighing 6lbs 5oz and 19 inches long. Although small for his 39 week gestational age he is very strong, I know we are biased. But I was amazed that he was able to breast feed right after delivery. I did not have to prompt him or anything, he knew what to do and where to find his nourishment. I suppose he had worked just as hard as mommy and needed some fuel. As for labor and delivery: Below is timeline--feel free to skip it and go straight to the fun stuff Aiden's pictures:):
Tuesday 9am-5 pm: Began having minor contractions, but nothing too painful or frequent so I continued my regular work schedule, I figured if they got bad enough I would go to the hospital.
Tuesday 5-6:45 pm: I drove home and had 3-4 contractions during my 25 minute trip home, still not real painful but decided I better start timing them. I began timing them when I got home around 5, called Nathen and told him it may be time--fortunately he was getting ready to leave work (he's working in Emporia). I began timing my contractions while at home and they fluctuated between 3-8 minutes. Nathen got home around 6:30 pm, and my contractions were still not real painful, so told him to go ahead and take a shower and grab something to eat.
Tuesday 6:45 pm-7:15 pm: We left for the hospital and my contractions were more regular and increasing in frequency but still not really that painful.
Tuesday 7:15-11 pm: When we arrived at the hospital I had not progressed anymore than my previous week appointment so they monitored me for an hour, we decided to walk, and the contractions became a bit stronger, when they checked me I had progressed some but not enough to be admitted, I was on the edge of them sending me home, but they agreed to monitor me a bit longer, so we continued to walk the halls, and the contractions got closer together and a bit more painful, but still not too bad. When they checked me next I had progressed to close to 4 cm, and they decided to admit me at 11 pm.
Tuesday 11 pm-Weds12 am: The painful part of labor starts to kick in, but not bad enough to request any pain medications, I'm thinking I can do this, I want to do it all natural. Around 12 am or so my water broke.
Weds 12-1:15 pm: The contractions are becoming more painful and frequent but I'm still dilated between 4 and 5. I decide to get in the hottub.
Weds 1:15-1:45: Laboring in hottub--I was just getting the hang of working through the contractions in the water, and getting some focus (I really not prepared I wish I had practiced breathing and relaxation techniques) when it felt like Aiden was coming out. I told (okay maybe yelled or screamed I was really scared)Nathen that I could feel him, fortuantely our nurse happened to be in our room at the moment and came in and checked on us, she was an excellent nurse but I could sense her panic as she and Nathen carried me to the bed, and sure enough I was fully dilated and ready to push... BUT
Weds 1:45 am-2:10: I was ready to push but the Dr wasnt there yet, since 20-30 minutes early I was still around 4-5 dilation. So I had to breath though them--at this point I'm thinking maybe an epidural would have been a better option:) But really I progressed so fast it wasnt a realistic option. So I worked though it with the help of Nathen and our nurse. Again I really wish I was more prepared, it was hard for me to focus and relax, and embarrasingly enough I spent much of this time screaming. I'm not sure how long I pushed or how many times I pushed--it seemed like hours to both Nathen and I, but it was probably around 10-20 minutes. At 2:10 all the pain, panic, and fear had passed and we got to meet our little guy and it was all worth it. The nurse referred to my labor and delivery as "Oats and gronala", all natural, and it worked.
Aiden has been very busy in his first 4 days of life. He's had his first meal, first bath at hospital, and home, first visitors, first diaper change, first family outing, and many other firsts. We came home Thursday evening, and it has been a blast. He is so amazing, loveable, and many more adjectives that I could use which would probably go on forever and I want room for pictures before everyone falls asleep from the length of this post:) We cant believe how fast the days go by even on little sleep. Nathen is such a great daddy, he has really helped out (okay really done all of them)with the house hold duties and really enjoys his cuddle time with Aiden, and of course showing him off to his colleuges (he sent pictures the day we got home) and to strangers--when shopping yesterday we both beamed when strangers would admire and say how cute he is.
My first picture as a mommy with Aiden. Unfortuantly my hair is covering up my huge smile--I dont think its left my face though since then:)
Aiden meets Nana and Granddad Banker for the first time. They are happy to meet their first grandson.
Nathen's parents visit us on our first night home, and bring us a home cooked meal on Saturday which was so appreciated.
That is all for now, we'll try to keep everyone updated on all the new things Aiden does. For now I'm going enjoy our little guy.
CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS! I'm so excited for you - welcome to parenthood~ the best job in the galaxy!!! Enjoy his littleness!
Congratulations you guys!! I am so happy for you! He is adorable. Trish is right, parenthood is the best job ever. Can't wait to meet him! Take care.
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