I was surprised when I was reading my pregnancy book this weekend and the chapter started with "this is the start of your 3rd trimester". What I thought, I'll only be 27 weeks, am I really in the 3rd trimester already?!!! According to both my books, What to Expect While Expecting, and Your Pregnancy Week by Week I will start my 3rd trimester this Tuesday. Although a bit suprised as it doesn't seem possible, I have been very tired this week which I've heard comes back in your 3rd trimester, so the books must be correct! It has been terribly cold and icy here the last few days, so I have not been able to take my daily walks since Wednesday, so I'm thinking that might contribute to my fatigue. Luckily next week, Sears is coming out to repair our Elipitical that I broke months ago, but just called to get it repaired last week, which was one week after the warrenty expired (I thought it expired over a year ago). The first 2 trimesters went by so quickly, but I must say that I am very excited about the upcoming and final trimester. I'm hoping to get the "aww your pregnant smiles" from strangers that I've been told about from others, hopefully no belly touching strangers--I don't mind my close friends and family touching my baby bump, but not sure how I feel about a complete stranger touching it. We are enrolled in our childbirth class and I've enrolled in a breastfeeding class. We start our childbirth class in just a few weeks, Feburary 3rd.
We've been very busy the past few weeks (which you may have guessed since I've not made a post for several weeks:). Nathen put the finishing touches on the bathroom yesterday, and now it really looks like spa, if only we had a whirlpool bath!!:) Nathen got off work early Friday because of the weather so when I got home I was plesantly surprised to see he had started ripping the ugly shag carpet out of the nursery(formerly our office). We are looking forward to picking out new carpet next week for the room, Nathen has started staining the trim to match the furniture we want to purchase, and I located adorable bedding at Target.com that we'll hopefully get next weekend as well. Right now the nursery is empty as we moved all of our office stuff out, and we are looking forward to filling it up with cute baby stuff!! If the weather was better we'd probably have gone shopping, but we'll have to wait till next weekend.
Well as mentioned earlier I am (or will be Tuesday) in my 3rd trimester so thought I'd post a few belly pictures. Yes, I am wearing K-State shirt, but hey give me a break I wore my KU shirt yesterday, and both teams won yesterday!!! I figure I've given both schools enough money between Nathen and my schooling I should sport a shirt everyone once in awhile, even if it is the opposing side:)

Little Aiden I think is getting much larger recently, at least my belly is. And I think he is a KU fan, yesterday while I was watching the KU-ISU basketball game, it felt like he was raising his arms and kicking his legs at the same time. It felt pretty weird because I could feel 2 different movements on each side of my stomach. I told Nathen that he was cheering for KU, and he said his son wouldn't betray him like that--aww, friendly family rivalry..isn't it cute!:)
Untill next time, stay warm, and take care!
1 comment:
I'm sure you feel much bigger, but I can't believe how tiny your tummy still is! Take a look back at my blog and see how big I was even at 24 weeks. I can't believe how differently we look at the same time in our pregnancies! :) Hang in there...the changes are ALL worth it! :)
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