Friday, December 11, 2009

Its all relative

Okay so I was in the middle of trying to be productive with naptime by cleaning, but was stopped in my sweeping tracks to put some thoughts down that were rolling in my head. So for now the dust, laundry, and dishes have to wait.
The boys and I have had well how should I put it a challenging day, actually I should say Aiden and I, Evan has been nearly perfect. But my little Aiden has been well a 2 year old today, starting with throwing a huge fit when I would not let him eat butter plain right out of the container, I finally got him distracted by talking to Nana on the phone, Thanks again Mom:) Unfortunately the behaviors didn't stop there while we were walking towards the building where play group was he started running towards the huge snow pile, so I had to try to pick him up while holding Evan so we could get inside, by this time he changed his mind and decided going inside WAS a good idea, but not before a kind collegue of mine came out and offered me some help. While at playgroup he did well most of the time but had his moments of taking toys, pushing, and being bossy, and then of course did not want to leave when it was time.
After playgroup we went to lunch with one of my mommy friends who has children the same age as mine. And here is where my whining will cease. See her son who is a month older than Evan has special needs, he has exceeded all of the Dr's expectations as she was told he would not survive to his due date and if so be a vegetable. Well he is anything but a vegetable, he's trying to crawl, and laughs. Still my friend has WAY more stress with him than I do with my children. At lunch she shared with me of another mother who was at playgroup whose husband's life was lost serving our country in Iraq while she was pregnant with their child. Her little girl is between Aiden and Evan's age. What a struggle for her mom to raise her alone and be without a daddy, and mommy without a husband. So with those 2 stories I find myself scolding my rash thoughts of motherhood (dont get me wrong I love being a mom but in those challenging times its easy to become a bit overwhelmed, and frustrated) how dare I pity myself when Aiden is being a typical 2 year old, or Nathen gets the boys hyped up by having tickling and tackling fights right before bed. I should count my blessings, I have 2 healthy and happy sons with 2 loving parents who love each other, and 1 loving caring, and supportive husband. HOW DARE I PITY MYSELF??
So its all relative, the next time you are in a stressful moment I encourage you to take a minute and think of others around you who may have it harder, the person next to you may have just experienced a loss, is depressed, or has no money. Before going to play group we delivered gifts to a needy family in our community and what a feeling to give someone and their family a Christmas.
I usually don't do this but I think I'll close with a prayer, "Lord please give me the patience I need to be a good mother, and thank you for all you've provided I'm truely blessed, Amen"