Okay I know that usually most of posts are about the boys, and this one is too, but this is much more than their cuteness, funny stories, and adorable pictures (I only chose one to post and that will be explained later). Over the last several months it has occured to me just how blessed I am. In the last 2 months there have been several close friends and family loose loved ones--how is this a blessing you may ask. Well one funeral in particular really put things in perspective for me, love, appreciate, and be committed to your spouse, as well as all other folks you are close too--that's the cliff notes version at least. Prior to this funeral I may become frustrated easily by little unimportant things that Nathen may say or do. After this funeral I made a pact with myself to not nag so much (being realistic, saying I would never nag would not make me a wife, right?:) about stuff but instead to enjoy every minute with my loving hubby. Although people close to me have lost love ones, Nathen and I continue to have both our parents alive, healthy, and always ready to enjoy their grandsons. Their are two friends I went to high school with that have lost one of their parents in the past few months (one of which also lost her father in law recently as well). So we are so blessed to have our parents be such an active and important part of our lifes as well as our sons.
Not sure how many people check out MCKmama's blog (http://mycharmingkids.net/), but I recently began checking it out, its a wonderful site about almost everything, but recently "McKmama" youngest son has fallen gravely ill, she is a strong Christian and I've been amazed by her faith and trust that God will see them through this storm. Both my son's are very healthy, and honestly the most recent concern I had was all the bug bites they have gotten this summer--what a silly worry, huh when compared to someone who is watching their 8 month old baby fight for their life.
Also I feel blessed that I'm a Christian, and found a church both Nathen and I feel comfortable with. I can say that I've always been a Christian but until recently its been a more important part of my identity. I know God is working in my life for this change, and I must say I thank my mom for that, I know she prays daily for me. As for prayer, you always hear people say "I'll pray for you" but thats where it may stop,an empty offer (I'm guilty of doing that). However, in the last few weeks I make it a priority to follow through on those prayer requests/offers.
Yes, I'm truely blessed, my biggest concern is finding a new nanny. Which is somewhat stressful but thankfully I have friends and family that have offered to help out with the boys until we find someone.
So tonight along with saying my prayers for Stellan (MCKmama's son), friends/family who have lost loved ones, friend's sister undergoing surgery for unborn twins, and locating a new nanny(sounds really minor and is relatively speaking) I will be thanking God for all the blessings He has bestowed on me, healthy children, loving and loyal husband, loving parents and in-laws, wonderful sisters and brothers (in laws technically, but practically brothers), loveable and adorable neices, jobs that Nathen and I both feel fulfilled at, and close friends to name just a few.
Okay back to the picture, I picked this one because I think it serves as a nice metaphore of the relationship we are to have with our Lord (no I'm not saying Aiden is Jesus or anything) we need to just sit back and let Him pull us along and enjoy the ride all with all the bumps along the way.
Until next time God Bless!