Saturday, June 27, 2009

Evan is 9 months old!!!

I cant believe it but our little guy is 9 months old already. He had his 9 month Dr appointment a few weeks ago and we found out all his measurements and that he had an ear infection:( I had no idea the little guy must have a high tolerance to pain or something because he was not fussy at all. As for his measurements he is almost 31 inches long (98%), almost 22 lbs (73%), and HC is 46 (74%)...So our little guy is a big fellow. I knew he had gained quite a few pounds since we started him on solids a few months back, but had no idea he had gained 5 lbs in 3 months!!! The doctor was not concerned though and said he was right on track developmentally. As far as Aiden goes he's definately a 2 year old, very independent, enjoys saying MINE and NO. But continues to be the sweetest little boy ever. He started this thing in the car a few weeks ago when Evan starts to fuss, he will just start laughing which makes Evan stop fussing and start laughing. Hearing both them laugh can turn any bad day into a wonderful one! We enrolled Aiden into preschool at our church starting this fall. I'm both excited and saddened by this. Excited because Aiden will get to go to the church we all love one day during the week to spend time with children his age, learn more about the Bible, and have fun. But also its sad to think of our little guy getting old enough to go to formal school setting. We hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July! Take care, Sarah:)

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