Aiden has been quite interested in Nathen and my food since he was about 4 months old, often pulling at our plates and snatching food off of them. I really wanted to wait to start him on solids until he was 6 months because he had quite a few tummy issues in the first few months of his life, and I wanted to make sure his digestive system was fully developed before starting him on solids, after he had taken 10 oz of breast milk a couple of times through the week---he was showing he was ready and I was worried that I would not be able to keep up with his appetite, so I finally gave in and introduced him to rice cereal (as recommended by Aiden's Dr) on Saturday. The first feeding went pretty well although I think he was a little tired, we had a pretty busy day and didnt get to feed him the cereal until about 7 pm, he spit most of it out, which is to be expected. Yesterday's feeding went much better, he seemed to become a bit more comfortable with the new textures, and tongue movements--he actually swallowed some instead of thrusting it out with his tongue--which I thought is pretty amazinging since all his mouth has been doing for the last 51/2 months is sucking and thrusting with his tongue. He's not taking much because I'm trying to read his cues and stop when he's done, not when the food is gone--luckily he's pretty easy to read he'll turn away when he's done or fuss if I dont pick up on his cues right away.
Aiden hanging out on Mommy and Daddy's bed in his overalls, that no longer fit him:(
"Uh mom, what am I doing with a K-State hat and a KU jacket on???" We prepare Aiden for a walk last Sunday when it was very cool, poor kid is going to be so confused as to who to cheer for!
I noticed I hadnt posted any pics for a few weeks so heres a few from the last couple of weekends. Enjoy:)
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