Monday, May 28, 2007

Aiden Sleeps

I am feeling guilty about complaining a bit about Aiden's sleep schedule or lack there of. So thought I'd share a few praises for him to counterbalance my complaints from yesterday's entry. Anyways, he slept last night from 9 pm to 1 am, and then woke again at 4 and at 7:30 am. Which I was thankful for, there is a big difference between him sleeping 2 hours at a time and 3 to 4. And today, he took a few half hour naps this morning and early afternoon, and took a 2 hour nap from 4-6 pm. I really think he was still recouperating from our Wichita trip, and now has gotten back on track. He seems to really enjoy interacting and meeting new people, so a couple day recovery time is worth it for his enjoyment!!! Okay I feel better now sharing this, and hopefully tonight will be another good sleeping night for Aiden, if not though, I will not complain:)

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